#Digital transformation based on the #Data applying

Collaborative Artificial Intelligence

NeuralActions Business

We help Organizations transform their data into Intelligent Information, detecting Who's Who and Related Content.

Recommendation systems help find matching points or similar information
Your information can synapse and link to help you discover new connections

NeuralActions Health

We help people build their Memory Bank to prevent and treat cognitive decline through their Memory Recommendations.

Because it’s nice to remember!

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Acerca de

Inteligencia Artificial y Colaborativa aplicada a las Redes de Información.

Permite aplicar técnicas de inteligencia colaborativa e inteligencia artificial, para la generación de ideas y conocimientos, grupales e individuales, en un formato de redes neuronales.

Posee flexibilidad de contenido y relacionamiento.

Puede brindar soluciones de analítica avanzada en información basadas en grafos de conocimiento.


Enviar un email a NeuralActions: info@neuralactions.com
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